Publicity is Like Marketing…Only Better.

Publicity happens when someone other than you talks about you.  So, it's more credible, right off the bat.  And it is usually free, which is really neat. You can increase the odds that someone else will notice you. And you can leverage a publicity hit into more than your fair share of exposure. Dean Rotbart [...]

Publicity is Like Marketing…Only Better.2016-12-01T14:55:18+00:00

Winning ‘More Than Your Fair Share’ of Publicity and Media Exposure

Each of us, according to the experts, has a measurable intelligence quotient, or IQ.  Our IQs set a benchmark of what we should be able to achieve intellectually in life.  Many of us overachieve, while others under-perform. Like intelligence, each business and professional practice has an inherent publicity quotient, or PQ.  It is a benchmark [...]

Winning ‘More Than Your Fair Share’ of Publicity and Media Exposure2016-12-01T14:55:18+00:00