Have you told them lately?

I adore a man who can work with his hands. I admire a woman who knows how to handle a channelocks. I appreciate a well laid-out mechanical room. I’m a huge fan of trades people. Trades people are more in touch with the truth than other people. They are a no-nonsense group. They know that [...]

Have you told them lately?2016-12-01T14:55:21+00:00

Why do you do it?

Once a month, I invite a smart business expert to be my guest star on the Bare Bones Biz Teleseminar call.  We ask folks to join us on the call to share and learn and have some fun with business building.  In April, my guest was Simon Sinek.  You could call Simon a marketing expert.  [...]

Why do you do it?2019-09-26T01:11:57+00:00