Business Planning at Davis Correctional…

I love our students at Davis Correctional! No one complains or gripes in this class. (That's not something I can say about many of my students!) These fellows want a better life...starting now. Their energy is inspiring. Their questions and discussions are focused on solutions. Even though they are in prison, they are free to [...]

Business Planning at Davis Correctional…2018-12-13T18:34:30+00:00

Business Survival Skills…for Inmates

About a year ago, I received a book order for 30 books from Corrections Corporation of America. Hmm. I wondered about that. Then, I got busy and forgot about it. Recently, I received another order from Corrections Corporation of America…for another 30 books. This time, I followed my curiosity and called the phone number on [...]

Business Survival Skills…for Inmates2019-05-15T19:10:50+00:00