Save It For The Meeting

Have you ever walked into your office and been jumped by the bookkeeper? "What's this check for?  I can't read your writing.  And Jimmy hasn't filled out his time card all week."  When you aren't in financial manager mode, these questions can feel like an ambush. Have you ever interrupted your bookkeeper with [...]

Save It For The Meeting2017-03-31T13:51:04+00:00

How BAD Are Your Meetings?

Bueller? Your meetings don’t have to devolve into gripe sessions, and a waste of billable hours. You can do better. A tight, short, focused meeting can be an opportunity to communicate, to get on the same page, to teach something and learn something. If you don’t have an agenda for [...]

How BAD Are Your Meetings?2016-12-01T14:55:18+00:00